Maranatha Network

The Maranatha Network is a network of Christians who: 

1.    Use a brief DAILY MEDITATION for each day of the month. The Network provides a simple, brief daily procedure to encourage thought and prayer about the Return of Christ, including as an incentive to responsible Christian living.

2.    Encourage Christians and churches to convey a “WORD OF CAUTION” (as gently as possible and in the context of a positive gospel message) that we shall all stand before God as our judge one day.


Jesus tells us to be alert, be on guard and to watch for his Return. But how do we do so? The daily meditation is a practical, brief, daily way of doing this in just a minute or two. 

It includes: 

  • a relevant verse or two of Scripture, 
  • a thought-provoking question and 
  • a very brief prayer 

for every day of the month. See the Maranatha Network Daily Meditation.

It is written by the Rev Tony Higton and may be freely copied so long as the footnote about Tony’s websites is included.

The material seeks to avoid dubious biblical interpretation and naive assumptions about current events. Tony’s conviction is that we don’t have to agree on every aspect of End Times teaching but rather to respect one another when we don’t agree. This contrasts with distressing controversies over aspects of eschatology caused by unwarranted dogmatism.

Please forward this information and the meditation to as many Christians as possible and please pray that they will make use of it. It could be a means of bringing a whole new perspective into their lives.


It cannot be loving for the church to fail to warn people (as gently as possible and in the context of a positive gospel message) that we shall all stand before God as our judge one day.

If we know that people are heading towards disaster we are duty bound to warn them as effectively as we can.

We need to remember that Jesus spoke frequently of judgment as did the Apostles (to Gentiles as well as Jews) – see Word of Caution

© Tony Higton: see conditions for reproduction