That the World May Believe
by Tony Higton
Is it possible for an ordinary church in a traditional denomination to be restored to biblical principles in the power of the Holy Spirit? Tony Higton says it is and backs it up by telling the remarkable story of Hawkwell Parish Church. It became a fairly large congregation which was:
- open to the Holy Spirit,
- founded on corporate prayer,
- growing through evangelism,
- enjoying unity,
- discovering and using gifts and ministries,
- overcoming problems,
- benefiting from generous giving

Jesus, The Only Saviour
(Study Course)
by Tony & Patricia Higton
Is Jesus the only way to God? What is unique about Christian beliefs concerning God, salvation and eternity? Should we evangelise people of other religions, or is this unnecessary, arrogant or even racist?
In today’s pluralist society Christians need to know what the Bible teaches about the uniqueness of the Christian faith. This study course is designed for use by individuals or groups. Each section contains a Bible study in a lay-out suitable for personal or group work, together with discussion questions. After each main section there is additional material for those who wish to study specific issues in greaterdepth. There is also an Appendix outlining the major world religions.
The book is suitable for use at a wide variety of levels, from the new Christian to the mature believer. The course is designed to cover between ten and twelve weeks.

Christians at the Crossroads
by Patricia Higton
Written in 1991. Patricia Higton, who exercised a prophetic ministry for 20 years, sounded the alarm for the church in England. Christians at the Crossroads spells out the dangers of seductive New Age beliefs, abandonment of biblical teaching, counterfeit spiritual experiences, and attempts to merge the Christian faith with other faiths.
This book is a clear call to repentance. Its wealth of well-documented examples makes for inspiring (and alarming) reading and sets a new agenda for prayer and action in the church in post-Christian countries.
Our God Reigns
by Tony Higton
This book is a passionate call for a return to biblical teaching on God’s sovereignty in all areas of life. It gives evidence for the reliability and authority of the Bible, the historicity of Jesus and the fact that salvation is only through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus as God incarnate. It provides information on the New Age Movement. It teaches on the need to restore the local church to biblical principles and outlines these principles. It teaches on the kindness and the sternness of God (including Jesus’ teaching on church discipline and biblical teaching on the Last Judgement). Written in 1984, it also addresses some of the crises which have been, yet still are facing the Church of England.

by Tony Higton
For 14 years Tony Higton exercised a prophetic ministry at national level within the Church of England (in the General Synod and the media). He was instrumental in the Synod reaffirming belief in the Virgin Birth and bodily resurrection of Christ. His private member’s motion on sexual morality led to the synod affirming traditional, biblical morality by a 98% majority. This still remains the official position of the Church of England. With his wife Patricia, he instigated the Open Letter signed by over 2000 Anglican clergy reaffirming the uniqueness of Christ as the only Saviour against a background of growing attempts to merge religions. This book tells how he has experienced the guiding hand of God in all this. He also presents invaluable advice and insights, steeped in biblical teaching, for anybody sensing a similar call to prophetic witness. While demonstrating that this is daunting work for the faint-hearted, he offers great encouragement from his own experiences. He shows that forth-telling, tempered by wisdom and sound judgement, can have profound consequences in both church and community life.
However Tony also warns against negativism and judgmentalism, and against an unbalanced and divisive emphasis on the “pure church.”
Life after Life
by Patricia Higton
How long can life on earth, as we know it, survive? What will happen to the human race and planet earth? Is there life after death for the individual? Is Jesus coming back?
This book explains in straightforward terms that many biblical prophecies have come true, giving credibility to those which address the big questions about the future. It does not avoid controversy, but suggests a way forward for Christians to agree on the major issues.
This fascinating book is an eye-opener on biblical teaching about the future, and could help to revolutionise life here and now. It is also suitable for use by house groups.
Dr Stephen Travis (Vice Principal of St John’s College, Nottingham) writes: ‘I welcome this clear and helpful discussion for several reasons, not least because it shows what it means to live as people who are grasped by hope.’
Called to Serve
by Tony & Patricia Higton
The course Called to Serve is an in-depth discipleship course which has been used by hundreds of churches of various denominations worldwide. It covers three main areas:
- Personal Commitment
- Personal and Corporate Development
- Church life and mission
It includes biblical teaching on faith, repentance, obedience, union with Christ, the fullness of the Spirit, resisting temptation, the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit, prayer, worship, love, fellowship, service, giving and mission.
It is part of a strategy which has, by the grace of God, brought benefit or transformation to many churches, whether struggling or thriving. It has enabled churches to move from personal to corporate renewal, or to move from corporate renewal into deeper unity for the purpose of every member ministry, intercession and evangelism.
If the download above is too slow, you can download Called to Serve in three sections: Part 1 (11.3 MB), Part 2 (9.9 MB) and Part 3 (10.5 MB)
Ministers’ Resources for a Church Development Strategy
by Patricia Higton
These intensely practical resources are for use with the Called to Serve course, in addition to its use as a discipleship course, so that it becomes one of the tools used by the Holy Spirit for the ongoing development or even transformation of the Church, and its restoration to biblical principles. They cover the areas of:
- Setting goals, including writing a vision and deciding a strategy.
- Achieving biblical unity in the local church.
- Delegating through Ministry Teams (home fellowship groups which are used in prayer, practical jobs, pastoral work and evangelism).
- Discerning and releasing the gifts of members.
- Motivating and organising the local church in corporate prayer.
- Developing worship.
- Mobilising the local church in evangelism.
If the download above is too slow, you can download the Ministers’ Resources for a Church Development Strategy in three sections: Part 1 (12.5 MB), Part 2 (12.2 MB), Part 3 (12.8 MB)

365 – The Bible Explained in Easy Stages
by Patricia Higton
These two books, published free on-line, attempt to explain the majority of the Bible in easy stages. They are for anyone who wants to get to understand the Bible better, including for beginners.
These books may be read at a page a day over two years, or at the reader’s own pace, together with the recommended Bible passage for the day.

Do please either use this resource yourself or recommend these books to others. Most people will choose to read the daily portion on their smart phones, and they also need preferably the NIV version of the Bible (which is also available on-line).
Many Bible Notes, while good in themselves, are mainly helpful thoughts for the day. By contrast, ‘365’ seeks to provide an explanation of the Bible passage, covering nearly all the New Testament and two-thirds of the Old Testament, (omitting mainly chapters about historical detail or sacrificial ritual, etc.).
After reaching the end of these two books, the reader should have a much better understanding of the Bible – the world’s best-seller, inspired by God to bring the story of salvation to humanity.A professor of theology wrote to Patricia Higton, after reading these books: ‘I think you’ve done a great job of writing clearly and concisely, in an informative way, whilst also conveying your deep love for the subject matter (for the Bible itself, and for its message). It’s a really impressive achievement. Many congratulations!’