Basic Knowledge for Christians

Basic Bible Knowledge

365: The Bible Explained in Easy Stages

Brief daily explanatory comments covering the whole Bible. This is straightforward explanation of the text to enable you to get to know the Bible itself, not stories based on the Bible or illustrations. It is written by Patricia Higton who is a lay minister and theological graduate, and highly commended by a Professor of Theology.

A beginners guide to the Old Testament
A 7-page outline of the Old Testament 


An outline of the Old Testament
(137 pages) 

Basic Christian Discipleship

A short discipleship course

(6 sessions; 11 pages)

  1. Session 1: God – Creator and Father
  2. Session 2: Jesus – teacher, healer, Son of God
  3. Session 3: Human beings – miracle, problem, solution
  4. Session 4: The Resurrection and the Holy Spirit
  5. Session 5: The Church – worship and fellowship
  6. Session 6: The Bible and prayer

A more detailed discipleship course

(5 sessions; 29 pages with optional audio recordings of Tony Higton teaching the sessions)

  1. Checking the foundations
  2. Turning from sin
  3. Turning to Christ
  4. Remaining in Christ
  5. Receiving power

Basic Christian Beliefs

A brief outline of the Gospel

A single sheet summarising the Gospel

Standing firm in the Faith
A 66-page course in basic Bible beliefs which covers:
A. The Nature of God (including the Trinity) 
B. Revelation and Scripture 
C. The Nature of Human Beings and Sin 
D. The Person and Work of Christ 
E. The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit 
F. Salvation (including conversion, justification, sanctification etc.) 
G. The Last Things (Second Coming etc.)

The triumph of the cross

Salvation through the blood of Christ
shows that salvation is only through the shed blood of Christ 

Our standing in Christ

Basic Morality

A spiritual checklist
on the Ten Commandments

How can I tell if it’s wrong for me?

God won’t forgive us if we don’t forgive everyone 

The sin of gossip
Negative gossip is treated very seriously n the New Testament