[Do Christians really believe in a personal devil nowadays? We believe in a personal God and have no difficulties believing in personal angels, why not in a personal devil or personal demons. In the Church of England Baptism service the candidate is asked: “Do you reject the devil ….?” It also believes in the ministry of exorcism from “evil spirits” and “the snares of the devil.”]
If I were the Devil ….
I’d look out for enemy positions (churches). Some would be badly defended, and not strong or well armed – In fact not very aware of the need to fight. These would be easy prey. No need to waste much time on them.
No. I’d concentrate on the others – the ones that are really strong, well organised, well armed and protected, Those not only defending themselves but also – perish the thought – invading my territory and taking some of my people captive. These are the dangerous ones. At all costs they must be destroyed. Here is the plan of campaign I’d follow:-
I’d keep a constant bombardment at them to try to weaken and discourage them. But most of it would be by “undercover” action.
I’d infiltrate my agents into the enemy positions -looking just like the enemy and so deceiving them. I’d try to get these agents into influential positions -official or otherwise.
I’d discover any of the enemy who were critical of or rebellious against their leaders and encourage their discontent, so that unwittingly they become collaborators in our attack. Our propaganda must be first rate and continuous, always containing a grain of truth.
I’d find any weaknesses in the enemy leadership and exploit them mercilessly.
By undercover action I’d precipitate suspicions and divisions amongst the enemy to destroy their united front
Through my agents I’d seek to encourage a relaxing of self-discipline amongst the enemy so that they become off guard and unfit to fight. Self indulgence would help here.
I’d always keep a low profile to preserve the element of stealth and surprise. My agents would encourage rumours that we were no real threat and so create inthe enemy a false sense of security, thinking we could be safely ignored. That way the more far-sighted amongst the enemy would be written off as scare-mongers.
That’s what I’d do if I were the Devil. But actually he’s far cleverer than I am.
© Tony Higton: see conditions for reproduction